Ache Baez

Ache Baez real name is Jorge Baez; Starts with this journey of music on a reggae music band playing keyboards this was the year of 2009-2010, band decide to stop gigs and ache feel the necessity of keep that connection, vibe with the people and grab a laptop and a midi controller and has is first dj gig on a bar on zona centro.
Between this days a couple of friends already been on this dj/producer and share knowledge of technics, basic and advance and this motivated to keep learning but it feels attracted to other softwares, Ache starts going to a dj/production school to grab more información about other DAW: Ableton Live.
Before Ache Baez Was other few projects, but this one after a few year and still one of the genders of music always one of the strongest was House and keeps doing is work on a few labels now as Nurvus Records, TheBasement Discos, Jendex Records, Super Spicy Records and others.
Keeping that old school vibe on his production trying the only and main reason of making music; to keep you dancing on every beat of is music.